- Fixed an issue when updating addons
- Fixed a crash when deleting multiple pages
- Improved handling of changed files when publishing
- Fixed a crash that would occur when deleting multiple pages
- Various other bug fixes and improvements
- Fixed an issue in publishing where the certificate trust panel was not being shown for certain SSL certificate errors
- Fixed an issue that would cause RapidWeaver to hang when previewing some pages
- In the very rare case where we can no longer locate your custom addon location, you'll now be asked for it again rather than it reverting back to the default location
- Further improvements to ensure full compatibility with macOS 10.13 High Sierra.
- Added support for remote (warehoused) resources
- Added Automatic FTP Configuration
- Media Browser works again
- Added a preference to verify uploaded files
- Added a workaround for the issue on High Sierra where Preview would constantly refresh
- Other bug fixes
- Lots of improvements to publishing
- Other minor bug fixes
- Added support for Pinned Tab Icons
- Added a preference to turn off Live Reloading in Preview mode
- Improvements to state restoration
- Improvements to tooltip UI
- Fixed an issue that would sometimes cause backup uploads to fail
- Publish operations (including backup) can now be cancelled
- Other small bug fixes and improvements
- Fixes and improvements to publishing
- Improvements to addon update checking
- Podcasts published using the Blog plugin that are not marked as "Explicit" are now automatically marked "Clean"
- You can now override your default website address on a per-publishing destination basis
- Fixed an issue with image sizing and layout in Styled Text views
- Added SVG support for Site Logo, Banners, and Styled Text View
- Added an option to remove the "Reset" button in the Contact Form plugin
- Health Check can now check for broken resource links and empty external links
- Now checks and shows a warning if multiple index files are found the server during a publish (e.g. index.php, index.html)
- Duplicating a page is now faster as we no longer load all pages
- Fixed an issue where page migration could be called unnecessarily
- Internal changes and other minor bug fixes
- Added a site-wide search feature.
- Added support for theme updates, developers will first need to update their themes to take advantage of this
- Fixed an issue where canceling during export/publish means that future publishes wouldn't work
- Header & Footer text in the sitemap plugin are now saved correctly
- Fixed a crash when users would try to replace resources with a page
- RW no longer crashes on save when the offsite page URL is left empty
- Fixed an issue where ethe addons installer window could not be closed
- URL for help in publishing now resolves correctly
- Added a new /rapidweaver/releasenotes/ macro. This will return the path to the current page
- RapidWeaver no longer beachballs when installing lots of themes
- We now allow plugins to pass requirements to RW via the update URL (important for compatibility)
- Added a URL scheme for automatically registering RapidWeaver
- Fixed an issue where the App Store and Setapp version wouldn't check correctly for addon updates
- Fixed a crash when trying to show an alert about missing files in the File Sharing plugin
- Other minor fixes
- Fixed a crash that sometimes occurs when starting RapidWeaver's web server
- Hitting Cmd+Opt+K repeatedly no longer causes weird things to happen
- Improved preview speed, preview status now displays at the bottom of the sidebar
- Fixed an issue where RapidWeaver would sometimes crash on export/publish
- Re-written Theme Browser for improved performace and relaibility
- Fixed an issue where right-clicking in the sidebar would cause a crash
- Potential fix for a crash when closing a document
- Removed Autosave support as it's causing more problems than it should be. Boo!
- Fixed a super bad bug that caused data loss within the blog plugin
- Fixed an index "out of bounds" error that would sometimes appear on export
- Other under the hood improvements and memory management changes
- Pressing Done in the Advanced Settings sheet no longer causes a crash
- Potential fix for reported issues when saving and closing a document too quickly
- Fixed an issue with the %banner_path% macro outputting incorrect resource paths
- Fixed an issue where RapidWeaver would re-upload all resources on every publish
- Fixed an issue where editing the "prefix" area in the sidebar would cause a crash
- Fixed an issue where RW would upload all blog pages if the blog was the index page
- Fixed an issue where the blog categories would sometimes not be exported
- Fixed an issue where the wrong URL would be used for CSS files on the Blog Archive page
- Fixed an issue where the advanced settings sheet wouldn't hide
- Fixed a crash that would happen when opening a document with a missing theme while the Add Page menu is being shown
- Fixed some layout issue with the page inspector
- Plenty of other under-the-hood refinements and fixes I'm not going to bore you with today.
- Fixes a crash on export for users running 10.11
- Fixed an issue that was causing the Photo Album to crash
- Photo Album plugin will now correctly mark it's self as changed
- Photo Album plugin now sorts by date correctly
- Fixed a crash that would sometimes occur when selecting a theme style
- Deprecated and re-written obsolete CGImage to NSImage conversion method
- Fixed an issue where RapidWeaver would sometimes auto-refresh the Preview when it wasn't needed
- Added two new API methods for plugin developers
- New API [RWAbstractPlugin allPagesUsingPlugin] Returns a list of all pages that use the current plugin.
- New API [RWPage markAsChanged] Will mark a page as changed.
- Fix for crash when exporting
- Fixed an issue that was introduced in 7.1.1 where RapidWeaver would crash on preview for certain pages. Sorry!
- Fixed a long standing issue where the crash reporter would hang and not actually send the crash report
- Fixed an issue with CSS consolidation on blog subpages
- Under the hood fixes, nip and tuck, the usual
Projects saved in 7.1 are NOT backwards compatible with 7.0.4 or earlier versions of RapidWeaver.
Please back-up your projects before Installing this update.
- Fully compatible with macOS Sierra
- Opening large projects is now much quicker (after initial migration)
- All exports are now faster due to concurrency
- Exporting projects with plugins that generate multiples pages is now much faster
- Added a sheet to show what RapidWeaver is doing during export
- Added back in support for re-publishing all files for a single page
- SiteLok plugin no longers breaks Preview mode
- Colour arithmetic in themes now works again
- Fixed an issue where the Filename extension was ignored when exporting (again)
- Fixed an issue where an updated resource would not get re-published
- Resizing Gifs now works (animation is not supported in resized gifs, yet)
- Cleaned up plugin loading code, it’s good to be clean!
- Fixed an issue under Sierra when using the Web Inspector
- Updated Voyager theme (Thanks Adam!)
- FTP setting name changed from “Fast as Hell” to “Fast as Lightning”
- We’ve fixed up a bunch of issues and crashers with export introduced in the previous beta (sorry!)
- Fixed an issue where Photo Album pages would not be generated correctly
- Migration to global data storage now only happens once per page
- Media queries that span multiple lines will now be minified correctly
- Fixed an issue where RapidWeaver would crash when you removed a global meta tags
- Cache busting links option is now saved between launches
- Fixed an issue where plugins would sometimes fail to load
- Export should no longer sometimes hang (Refactored manifest generation to prevent conflicts)
- Minify can now handle non-ascii characters correctly
- Thai characters no longer crash RapidWeaver’s code view
- Added a “cancel” button on “change Theme and Apply?” dialog
- Fixed an issue where Site Notes would sometimes not save
- Tooltips in page list now look much nice
- Project window now shows when RapidWeaver is unregistered
- Preview now works with the Sitemap plugin
- Fixed an issue with the contact form not saving correctly
- You can now change the page extension for the home page
- Many other minor fixes, and under the hood enhancements
- Added an option to the Preferences to switch off local PHP rendering
- Running on 10.12 no longer requests the Osaka font to be installed
- Fixed an issue on 10.12 where the welcome text would be hidden
- Fixed an issue with CSS consolidation where it would sometimes put the link at the the of the HTML
- Update Lander Theme to 1.0.2
- Sidebar code tab is now called “head” not “header”
- Deleting all resources no longer crashes RapidWeaver, yay!
- Fixed a rather nasty memory leak that was introduced in 7.0.3
- Fixed an issue where the in-built preview didn't work under macOS Sierra
New Theme API: RGBA support for theme colours is now supported by using this new key "RWSupportsAlphaInColours" within the "RWThemeCapabilities" dictionary.
- Fixed an issue that sometimes corrupted plugins when moving the add-ons folder.
- Fixed some publishing issues (Thanks Gilberto and Co).
- Fixed exception on export issue (this was caused by users not entering a header name!)
- Deleting themes from the Theme Browser now works
- Site and Page meta tag output is no longer duplicated
- Duplicating page no longer gives issues on Preview
- Directory listing now works when browsing via SFTP
- Server Path is now cleared when changing publishing type to local folder
- Duplicating themes now duplicates theme styles also!
- Fixed a whole bunch of issues with FTPS
- Fixed a publishing issue relating to bookmarks
- Blog plugin now generates correctly URL's for podcasts (sorry this took so long to ship).
- Cache busting no longer breaks when using protocol-less URLs
- Fixed an issue with lists in the style text plugin.
- Re-designed code snippets window, yum-o!
- Added a character counter to the meta tag description field in the page inspector
- Added a browser title length warning to Health Check
- Fixed an issue where RapidWeaver would upload too many files (again)
- Fixed an issue where double clicking an empty space in recent docs list causes a crash
- Fixed an issues when clicking "Send Upload Logs" button would cause a crash
- Publishing to a local folder no longer fails if a backup is required and destination is empty
- Video playback now works again in Preview
- SVG's now also work in Preview
- Fixed a consolidation issue where theme files would be duplicated
- Tidied up some things behind the scenes for local export
- Site setting email address field now saves as you type
- Fixed a crash in the media browser
- Fixed a crash when toggling the "Hide/Show Classic Themes" option
- Fixed an issue where exported sites would not use the correct Banner images
- Updated all the help URL's to point to the new documentation
- Adding a resource now updates the content area correctly
- File alias's & symlinks are now handled correctly when added to the resources area
- Update addons window is no longer shown twice
- Fixed a crash when closing a document while the Health Check window is open
- Fixed a dmg theme installation issue
- Fixed an issue where themes would not be installed in the correct location
- RapidWeaver now correctly prompts the user to restart after installing plugins that are not upgrades
- Fixed an issue where addons would not migrate from v6 to v7 for some users
- RapidWeaver now creates an addons folder on first launch
- Fixed an issue with alt tags on images blog posts
- RapidWeaver now loads themes and plugins before we do the license check
- Fixed the dreaded "Exception while exporting site" error!
- Fixed an issue with the Crash Reporter!
After more than a year in development we're thrilled to be able to finally say that, RapidWeaver 7.0 is here. Thanks to everyone for their support during the beta program and all our loyal RapidWeaver users around the world.
We couldn't have done this with out you. Happy Weaving!
- Overhauled FTP Engine: Super fast, super reliable FTP Engine (No, really it is this time!)
- FTP Path Browser: You can now visually browse your FTP server to pick a location to publish too!
- Built-in Web Server: Allows you to preview your entire site locally in a browser without having to export it
- SEO Health Check: RapidWeaver will analyse your site and will highlight steps you can take to improve SEO.
- Banner Images: In themes that support this new feature, you can now add a custom banner image to your site, and customise it on each page. Themes that support this feature also include optimal image dimensions to help you size images.
- 4 Responsive New Themes: Designed by Realmac, Elixir Graphics, MultiThemes, and Yuzool!
- New, modern OS X sidebar: with translucency, that shows all your pages, resources and settings in one location.
- Portable Documents: You can now choose to store resources inside your RapidWeaver document, enabling you to take the project between multiple Macs.
- Multiple Publishing Locations: If you need to publish projects to multiple locations, you can set these up in your project, and choose the server when publishing. RapidWeaver’s smart publishing will also keep track of changes across multiple publishing locations.
- Local Publishing: The “Export” feature is something we’ve always felt should be considered a way of publishing your site, and now it is!
- Project Backup: RapidWeaver can optionally create a ZIP file of your project, and upload it to your server when publishing. The file is added to a “secret” location on your server, meaning that while it is downloadable by anyone who knows the cryptic web address, it’s tricky to guess that web address.
- User-selectable Add-ons Folder: need to save your add-ons in a custom location? RapidWeaver 7 allows you to do this, and will move your add-ons for you! Great if you’re working between machines.
- Minified Javascript and CSS: RapidWeaver can now optimise your CSS and Javascript by minifying it. Previously, RapidWeaver would remove some whitespace, but this time we’re actually optimising it to be as quick to download and apply to your pages as possible.
- Reorder-able Sidebar: you can now re-arrange the Pages, Resources, and Settings groups in the sidebar, and collapse the ones you don’t need.
- RapidWeaver’s media browser now supports other, non-Apple, apps including Lightroom, and custom folders from the Finder.
- Refined Design: We’ve reduced the amount of UI “chrome” that RapidWeaver adds, allowing more space for your website content.
- Page Inspector: You can now choose to pop the Inspector out into its own resizable window
- Assets area now support Folder Drag and drop from the finder
- RapidWeaver now uses the latest Safari engine for lightning-fast Page rendering!
- Multiple Selection in the Page List: Use Cmd + A to select all of the sidebar group you’re currently viewing. Cmd + Shift + A to select the entire sidebar. You can Duplicate, re-order, and Delete multiple items.
- New “Hide Classic Themes” preference: This new option allows you to hide the older, built-in themes. If you open a project that uses one of these themes, it will be shown in the Theme Browser while the project is open.
- Photo Album: now adds an image caption as the “Alt” tag in individual photo pages.
- New SEO Tab in Page Inspector: Meta tags are now shown in their own tab in the Page Inspector.
- Support for Customisable Meta tags
- Easy to use Robot Meta tags, you no longer need to remember the syntax!
- Added an option to update custom theme styles with the current settings.
- Greatly improved third party plugin installation, for example, RapidWeaver no longer moves plugins, it copies them over.
- Option to Opt-In to Beta Updates: If you’re feeling adventurous, and want to see new RapidWeaver features before anyone else, you can opt-in to receive beta updates to RapidWeaver.
- Site-wide Code: To allow you to better-edit large amounts of site-wide code, RapidWeaver now displays it in tabs, instead of consecutive text fields.
- New Body Site-wide Code: The “GoSquared” and “Google Analytics” fields have been merged into sitewide code. “Google Analytics” content is now placed in the Head tab, with a new “Body” tab now available for use. RapidWeaver 7 will migrate your existing code from RapidWeaver 6 into this field when generating a RapidWeaver 7 project file.
- Master Styles / Theme Inspector: You can now collapse / hide the contents of theme variation groups.
- Lots of UI refinements: we’ve made a huge number of changes in just about every aspect of RapidWeaver
- Lightning Fast Image Processing: RapidWeaver’s image processing has seen major changes, to both use the latest OS X technologies, and to ensure that ICC Colour Profiles are respected.
- Turbocharged export: We’ve substantially reworked the way RapidWeaver exports sites, to make it lightning quick.
- Smaller App Size: We’ve put the app on a diet, optimised images, and made the app quicker to download.
- Added a new “Copy Macro” button to the resources view (also right-click menu).
- If a plugin cannot be found RapidWeaver will now offer to search the community site for it
Fixes & Changes
- Quick Look has always been problematic, so we’ve decided to remove it in RW7. You’ll see substantial improvements in file-size as a result (for no portable documents)
- When dragging an image without a creation date into a RapidWeaver project, a creation date will be added to the image.
- Theme Browser: Numerous improvements to how RapidWeaver duplicates themes, and handles the duplicates in the Theme Browser.
- If a Website Address has not been set for your project, RapidWeaver will now prompt you to enter one when right-clicking a page and choosing “Publish Page”.
- RapidWeaver now has a “Web server logs” window to make it easier to diagnose page errors
- By default new projects will be created as Portable Documents
- The default theme for new projects has changed to “Offroad”
There's Literally hundreds of other behind-the-scenes changes and fixes to make RapidWeaver faster and even more reliable than ever!
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would generate incorrect XML sitemap links to your pages.
- Fixes problems with website navigation disappearing on sub-pages such as Blog permalink pages.
- Fixes a problem where website URLs in an XML sitemap would contain extra forward slashes.
- Improves document loading error message when opening a corrupted project file.
- Adds a new setting to the launch options window: you can now reset the RapidWeaver document window by holding Option when launching RapidWeaver.
- Fixes a problem where welcome window links would take you to an incorrect page.
- Other minor fixes and enhancements, including improved security when checking for updates to RapidWeaver.
If you need to use RapidWeaver 6 to convert or upgrade any old projects you can do so using this license number:
RapidWeaver now adds a creation date in any source images added to a project that lack a creation date.
Improves Theme Browser behaviour when duplicating themes, and displaying themes that have been duplicated.
Includes minor tweaks behind the scenes, including an updated problem and feedback reporter.
- Improves performance when navigating and modifying large project files.
- Fixes a problem where dragging sidebar items between documents could cause RapidWeaver to crash.
- Fixes a problem that prevented publishing to some SFTP servers.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would insert site-wide meta tags as page-specific meta tags when creating a new page, causing duplicate meta tags.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver could crash when installing add-ons.
- Works around a problem where RapidWeaver could crash when a blog page’s categories could not be fully read.
- Fixes a problem where blog pages would be fully re-published when marked as changed.
- Fixes a problem where blank site thumbnails would be generated when saving a RapidWeaver project.
- Fixes a problem where site-wide CSS and Javascript would be incorrectly referenced (and fail to load) when using the Page List contextual menu’s “Preview in Safari” option.
- Fixes a crash while RapidWeaver tidied up after performing a series of concurrent uploads.
- Fixes some display issues in the Affero theme.
- Fixes a problem where a blog’s RSS feed would not be sorted reverse-chronologically.
- Fixes a problem where site-wide code would be exported for each page.
- Improvements to notification preferences.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would be unable to generate QuickLook thumbnails for some themes.
- Fixes a problem where images would not load from a remote server.
- Fixes a problem with Add-on update checking in RapidWeaver and third-party plugins.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver could crash if unable to access a temporary folder location on your Mac.
- Fixes a problem where the Publish button would not be re-enabled after changing any site-wide code.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would export unexpected menu items in themes with split navigation.
- Fixes a problem where the search field in the Add Page menu would not automatically focus.
- Adds diagnostics to help identify problem where some stacks could not be installed directly with RapidWeaver.
- Fixes a problem where the publishing history of a project would be ignored when opening a project, causing RapidWeaver to re-publish all files.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver could crash when quitting.
- RapidWeaver now disables the “Publish” button if there are no changes to be published.
- Improves preview reload behaviour in the Contact Form plugin when editing content in the Page Inspector.
- Fixes a problem that prevented some Google Fonts from loading in Preview mode.
- Fixes a problem where the Replace page menu would not show.
- RapidWeaver now supports “Active” FTP uploads. Active FTP should only be enabled if your host requires it - if that means you, enable it via the Cog menu in the publishing view!
- The “Preview Page in…” sheet now remembers your previous selection.
- Photo Album plugin now correctly shows metadata in the relevant fields.
- Corrects a behaviour in the Photo Album where photo metadata would appear to be editable.
- Fixes a problem that incorrectly prevented you from using the “Preview Page in…” feature on PHP pages.
- Fixes a problem that prevented the “Replace Page” feature appearing in some circumstances.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver could crash during preview.
- Fixes a problem where Resource folders could not be re-ordered.
- Fixes a crash when saving a blog project.
- Fixes a crash when restoring a Version of a project whose currently-active page is a contact form.
- Fixes a crash when publishing your site.
- Housekeeping fixes behind the scenes to ensure RapidWeaver builds with future versions of Xcode.
- Adds a new preference to disable the generation of Quick Look previews.
- RapidWeaver Addons Manager now displays the version of themes, plugins and stacks.
- Improved HTML output for links (RapidWeaver now only includes the rel= attribute when a link is intended to be opened in a new window).
- The Replace Page feature, allowing you to change a page’s plugin type, makes a welcome return!
- Improvements in how RapidWeaver determines whether to publish a page. If you mark a page as changed, RapidWeaver will re-publish that page irrespective of whether Smart Publishing believes the page is unchanged.
- Fixes a problem where the Theme Browser wouldn’t immediately show your currently-selected theme when opening the Theme Browser.
- Fixes a problem where a malformed Theme Style could potentially cause RapidWeaver to crash.
- Fixes a problem where the QuickTime plugin could cause RapidWeaver to crash.
- Fixes a problem where returning to a particular scroll location in Preview mode could cause RapidWeaver to quit.
- Fixes a problem with RapidWeaver’s syntax highlighting that, when the app was modified or OS X’s Decompression utility failed to unzip the app properly, could cause RapidWeaver to crash.
- Fixes a problem with syntax highlighting where a missing font could cause RapidWeaver to crash.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver may behave erratically when your previously-selected Default Theme’s name changes.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would only export the top-level menu on subpages (e.g. on blog permalink pages).
- Improvements to how RapidWeaver reports the inability to open exported PHP pages in an external browser. (Due to changes in OS X, it’s no longer possible to invoke a preview of exported PHP pages in an external browser).
- Improvements to the RapidWeaver crash reporter.
- Significant updates to RapidWeaver’s publishing feature.
- RapidWeaver now supports a wider range of FTPS authentication options
- Updated to the latest version of the cURL library to improve the reliability of uploads.
- Unique description meta tags are now generated in the Blog plugin to improve your blog’s SEO.
- RapidWeaver will now remember your Preview scroll position when switching a page between Edit and Preview.
- Fixes a crash when dragging resources between RapidWeaver projects
- Fixes a problem in the Photo Album page where the page title would incorrectly be shown in gallery pages.
- Fixes an issue where the Email Address field in the Site Setup would not be disabled when the Footer was disabled.
- Fixes a crash when attempting to preview a project with a malformed theme.
- Fixes a problem where page sidebar data and sub-page data in the blog plugin would fail to save.
- Improvements in how RapidWeaver handles the changed state of pages.
- Fixes a problem where custom photo album labels would not be applied to a Photo Album page.
- Improves the handling of credentials entered in the publishing view, specifically when pasting in multi-line text.
- Fixes a problem where glyphs in an HTML or Markdown page would prevent a project from opening.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would disregard your preferences for when the “Changed” status of a page should be cleared.
- Fixes a problem where, in some cases, RapidWeaver 6 would crash when previewing PHP pages.
- Improves the way RapidWeaver displays the sidebar, theme browser and Page Inspector when the RapidWeaver project file is reduced to a very small size.
- Fixes a problem where the View Source option would not automatically refresh when changes were made in the Page Inspector.
- Fixes a problem where opening a RW5 project would cause problems if a RW6 project existed with the same name.
- Adds two new CSS classes to Contact Form elements: .rw-contact-form on the Form element, and .form-select-field on Select elements.
- Fixes a problem when reverting changes in a document.
- Fixes a problem where publishing would fail and cause instability when trying to upload a symbolically-linked file.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would not remove any formatting from a web address when creating a new link.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would crash when tidying up multiple publishing connections.
- Fixes a problem in the “Split” theme when browsing the site on iPhone.
- Fixes a problem that prevented navigation between pages in preview mode.
RapidWeaver 6.2 is a major (free!) update to RapidWeaver 6, with a huge number of fixes and improvements. We’ve been carefully tuning RapidWeaver to make it even faster, in some cases up to 50% faster when previewing pages and navigating your project.
- A significant number of optimisations to make navigating your project, previewing pages and making theme changes quicker. In our testing, RapidWeaver 6.2 is up to twice as fast as previous versions.
- Fixes a problem that caused the site name instead of the project file name to appear at the top of the project window.
- Fixes a problem where a third-party plugin update could cause RapidWeaver to crash.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would ungracefully handle ASCII characters in site names.
- Fixes a problem where changes to a page’s Metatags would not be saved if you closed the editor whilst still editing.
- Fixes a problem where an accessibility label in the Snippets window would appear on top of the Add Snippet button.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver could crash when generating a page using PHP.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would crash when tidying up temporary files.
- Performance improvements when handling Theme Variations - RapidWeaver now caches theme variations, instead of loading them each time the Variations area appears.
- Fixes a problem where an empty Theme Style file could cause RapidWeaver to crash.
- Fixes a problem where Theme Variations may reset after creating a custom Theme Style.
- Optimised images in all built-in themes. On average, we’ve made the images 20% smaller, meaning your site will load even quicker!
- Fixes a problem where Theme Variation colours would not correctly refresh.
- Fixes a problem where, after publishing, the “Changed” flag on a Resource would not be correctly cleared until the Resource was clicked on.
- Fixes a problem that caused password changes to not be recognised by the Publishing window.
- Fixes a problem that prevented Public Key authentication being fully enabled in the Bookmarks Manager.
- Fixes a problem where multiple FTP bookmarks with the same name wouldn’t be shown in RapidWeaver.
- Fixes a problem where a missing file on the File Sharing page could cause RapidWeaver to crash.
- Fixes problems with the Photo Album where the Slideshow would not start, and in some cases not load images.
- Fixes a problem where missing photo album assets would cause RapidWeaver to crash when opening a document.
- Fixes a problem that would prevent some users from saving a project.
- Fixes a problem that would prevent changes being exported.
- Fixes a problem where Advanced FTP settings could not be shown in the Bookmarks Editor.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would ignore EXIF rotation data in Photo Album pages.
- Fixes a problem where changing a page’s name would not mark other pages as changed.
- RapidWeaver 6.1.1 fixes a problem that prevented some RapidWeaver customers from updating to RapidWeaver 6.1.
- Notes are now available in the Site Setup sidebar.
- RapidWeaver will now warn you if you change the filename of project home pages.
- RapidWeaver no longer marks every page in your site changed when changing the Browser Title of a single page.
- Substantial updates to the FTP engine in RapidWeaver to ensure even greater compatibility with different hosting setups.
- Adds a new (optional) advanced FTP setting to enable Extended Passive FTP Mode. This mode is enabled by default. If you’re experiencing issues with publishing, try unchecking it!
- Fixes a problem where some changes in publishing credentials would not be relayed to RapidWeaver’s Publishing feature.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would, in some hosting configurations, not upload to a non-empty location.
- Fixes a problem where errors from the FTP uploader would not be displayed in RapidWeaver.
- Improves CSS Consolidation for themes that use @import statements.
- Fixes a problem that caused videos to not be output at the correct size.
- Fixes a problem that would cause RapidWeaver to crash when a Website Address is malformed.
- Fixes for the Project Window appearing when opening large projects.
- Fixes a problem where custom CSS does not appear on Photo Album pages.
- Fixes a problem that would prevent RapidWeaver from opening a project file with missing resources.
- Fixes a problem that prevented large blog pages from publishing.
- Fixes some quirks in RapidWeaver’s “Remove Link” option in the Styled Text plugin.
- Fixes a problem where an HTML document would be generated by RapidWeaver’s Markdown engine instead of regular HTML
- Fixes a problem where in certain circumstances RapidWeaver may crash on closing a project window.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver might crash when removing a re-ordered Contact Form element.
- Updates the welcome screen to reflect RapidWeaver’s no-longer-purple UI.
- RapidWeaver no longer refreshes the previews of all open projects when making a change in one project.
- Fixes a problem where the Photo Album page name may cause Photo Album pages to fail to load.
- Fixes a problem where reverting the changes in a project when the Site-wide Code area is open would cause RapidWeaver to crash.
- Fixes a problem where the default metatags would not be reverted when reverting a project when the Site-wide Code area is open.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would crash when attempting to Quick Look a missing project resource.
- CSS and feature changes to the Split theme.
- Adds “Re-Publish All Files” option to the Publishing button’s drop-down menu.
- Fixes a problem that caused sub-pages of blog and photo albums to be constantly re-published.
- Brings back “Credit RapidWeaver” meta-tag option.
- Fixes issues where resources are not available after opening a project with RW 6.0.8.
- Fixes a problem where the Photo Album page would appear to be missing images.
- Fixes a problem that prevented the Photo Album accepting new images.
- Fixes a crash in the Photo Album plugin when fields were left empty.
- Fixes a crash when the copying of Addons would complete.
- Fixes for resources stored on external disks.
- Improves performance of preview mode when repeatedly switching in and out of it.
- Fixes a problem caused by trying to copy files not existing at their source location.
- Fixes a crash when trying to add a new Addon Manager collection renaming an existing collection.
- Other minor fixes and enhancements.
- Improvements in how RapidWeaver stores and retrieves project resources, especially when a project and its resources reside in a Dropbox folder (or similarly synced folder).
- Fixes a problem that prevented some photo album files from copying over when opening a RapidWeaver 5 document
- Fixes a problem that prevented RapidWeaver 6 correctly re-linking to resources when opening a RapidWeaver 5 document.
- Fixes a problem in the Page Inspector that may have caused RapidWeaver to crash.
- Fixes a problem in the way we handle multiple concurrent publishing connections.
- RapidWeaver 6 will now open your RapidWeaver 5 projects directly, and created a .rw6 file alongside the RapidWeaver 5 project. Don’t forget to open the .rw6 project in future.
- RapidWeaver 6 no longer accepts RapidWeaver 5 plugin files (to prevent confusion).
- Fixes a problem that prevented customers being notified of RapidWeaver 6 updates.
- Fixes a problem that prevented global metatags being inserted into some pages.
- Adds a preference to hide the projects window at launch
- Fixes the width of the blog inspector to prevent it being accidentally resized and hidden.
- Fixes a problem that prevented some blog pages exporting.
- Fixes a problem with Theme Styles not appearing
- Adds a new FTP diagnostics preference
- Fixes a problem that prevented blog entries exporting
- Removes XML declaration checkbox from RW6 as it’s no longer inserted into pages.
- Improvements to document saving and loading.
- Fixes a number of crashes (thanks for sending in your reports).
- Fixes an issue that prevented the Metatags sheet from appearing in non-English versions of OS X.
- Other small fixes and tweaks
- Quickly preview your site on other Mac or iOS devices via Handoff (OS X Yosemite Only).
- New permanent “Copy Addons from RapidWeaver 5…” menu item
- Improvements to code completion. Suggestions are now far less aggressive.
- Improvements to the Media Inspector when using the Sidebar.
- Fixes a problem where unpublished blog posts would be included in category post counts.
- Fixes for Photo Album EXIF Tag handling.
- Fixes an issue where duplicate Theme Styles would not be shown in the Page Inspector
- Fixes a problem where the page inspector pane would not appear for duplicated iFrame pages
- Fixes a problem where Analytics code would be included in the Quick Look preview that would be captured for the project thumbnail.
- Fixes a problem where the changed flag would be applied to pages after publishing.
- New update system to allow small, delta, updates when we launch the next update to RapidWeaver.
- Other small fixes and tweaks
- Fixes a number of problems that would prevent publishing from completing
- Fixes a problem where FTP, FTPS and SFTP publishing could not continue due to a server certificate mis-match.
- Fixes inconsistencies when referencing Resources in Site-wide code
- Improves the resize-ability of Site-wide Code fields
- Smart Quotes are now turned off by default
- Fixes a problem where the logo would appear if there were spaces in the file name
- Fixes a problem where certain page types would not correctly inform RapidWeaver of changes in the page properties, meaning the “Page Has Changed” status would not be updated
- Fixes a problem deleting metatags
- Fixes a problem where “Export Complete” notifications would appear before the export completed
- Fixes a problem when trying to publish a blog page that contained draft blog posts
- Fixes a problem that prevented RapidWeaver from exporting a single page unless an entire site was exported first
- Fixes a problem with the iFrame page
- Improves saving performance when project homepage is a blog page
- Numerous other performance tweaks and changes behind the scenes.
- Other minor bug fixes and performance improvements
- Site-wide code fields are now vertically resizable
- Fixes a problem that would cause unchanged pages to be published
- Fixes a problem where saving a document with missing images could cause RapidWeaver to crash
- Fixes problems that would cause the page list to disappear
- Fixes a number of problems with Master Styles
- Fixes problems when trying to export certain blog pages
- Fixes a problem where the Plugin Updater wouldn’t install a plugin update correctly
- Adds ability to restrict RapidWeaver’s FTP publisher to publish only one file at a time (if your host does not support concurrent file uploads)
- Other minor bug fixes and performance improvements
- Fixes a problem that caused RapidWeaver to append the Site Title to a custom browser title.
- Adds preference for Autosave and Versions
- Fixes a problem with the Add Link sheet being non-editable
- Adjusts size of code views in Page Inspector
- Fixes a problem referencing files in Site-wide code
- Fixes problems with Custom Styles causing hangs
- Fixes a problem where Page Inspector code fields would be applied to other pages
- Fixes a crash when changing the Master Styles settings
- Fixes a problem where publishing would hang when using the Sitemap Plus plugin
- Fixes some theme issues to ensure sites display securely over HTTPS
- Improvements to memory usage
- Improved support for themes to use //-prefixed URLs in Preview Mode
- Lots of other small tweaks and improvements
- Brings back ability to right-click a page and publish just that page.
- Fixes the “Example Sites” menu item not taking you directly to the Example Sites area (currently just opens the Projects window at whatever view you previously viewed).
- Fixes a problem where the Save dialogue would default to your App Support folder (which is fairly hidden in RW6 due to the way sandboxing works).
- Fixes a crash in Master Styles when the theme name differs from its short name.
- Fixes a problem where RapidWeaver would entity-encode the names of pages, breaking certain themes that require HTML in the Page List to apply Font Awesome icons.
- Fixes for nested blog post links.
- Fixes a problem which would cause RapidWeaver to crash when selecting or deleting a project resource.
- Fixes a problem which would prevent Resources from showing up in the Add Link sheet.
- Updates to the Split and Tesla themes.
- Now 64-bit!
- Document Version support added
- Document Autosave support added
- Full-Screen Support added
- Retina support added
- Redesigned and improved UI
- New Add-ons manager
- New Publishing Engine, supports FTP, FTPS and SFTP (also up to 3x faster and more robust)
- Five Stunning New Themes from Nick Cates Design, Elixir Graphics, Brandon Lee Themes, Yuzool Themes & OneLittleDesigner
- New Markdown page type added
- New Projects window
- New Example Sites
- Improved the way Master Styles works
- Built-in Responsive Previews
- Added support for site wide code (inc. HTML, CSS, Javascript and more)
- Opening documents is now much faster
- Preference added to select a default theme for all new documents
- New keyboard shortcut to view website in your default browser (Command-P)
- Added ability to hide source list (alt-command-L)
- Now uses the Systems Built-in Media Browser
- So many other fixes, features, and enhancements we've lost count
- Fixes a problem where images would be incorrectly exported as TIFFs.
- Added Document Export for RapidWeaver 6
- Fixes a problem that would prevent some recently-installed themes and plugins appearing in RapidWeaver
RapidWeaver 5.2.2 — 5th October 2011
- Fixed a number of possible crashes, including one that caused RapidWeaver to crash on export when a File Sharing page had files missing
- Fixed an issue with being unable to save a project when QuickLook previews were turned on
- Improvements to localisations
- Fixes to CSS compression, to ensure stability and make it substantially faster
- Tweaks to document loading on Mac OS X Lion
- Fixed an issue that caused Blog page links to be incorrectly generated
- Minor behind-the-scenes tweaks
RapidWeaver 5.2.1 — 20th July 2011
- Mac OS X Lion compatibility.
- Improved performance when working with multiple projects open.
- Fixed an issue with localisations causing crashes.
- Minor bug fixes and enhancements.
RapidWeaver 5.1.1 — 19th April 2011
- Fixed an issue that caused RapidWeaver to crash when using SFTP.
- Improvements to localisations.
RapidWeaver 5.1 — 19th April 2011
- Localisations in French, German, Italian and Japanese.
- Re-worked Smart Publishing to correctly track published state of Resources and - Blog sub-pages.
- Added in iMedia Browser 1 for Leopard users. (This does not apply to Mac App Store customers)
- Fixed Cruftless links so that links in the page body are now tidied.
- Fixed an issue that prevented users from navigating their site in RW’s Preview window when using Cruftless Links.
- Removed un-necessary XML Declaration from Movie Page pages.
- Fixed a couple of issues relating to sub-page-linking.
- Fixed a couple of issues relating to Resource linking.
- Fixed an issue relating to the selection and handling of Theme Variation options.
- Changed a couple of resource-handling behaviours behind the scenes to improve Preview times.
- Fixed an issue relating to Favicons becoming corrupted.
- Behind-the-scenes tweaks and improvements.
- Breadcrumb links on Blog Permalink Pages are no longer incorrect.
RapidWeaver 5.0.4 — 15th February 2011
- Fixed an issue with links to Resources via the Add Link sheet in Stacks pages not working in Preview mode.
- Updated to use v2 of the iMedia Browser.
- Removed BWTokenField from the RW bundle to ensure App Store approval.
- Users are no longer alerted about themes intended for version 3.1 or earlier.
- Fixed linking to resources from plugin subpages (such as blog permalinks), or when a page is at the root of the site, aren’t correct.
- Fixed built-in page types are not currently showing on case-sensitive file systems.
- Fixed Site Setup sheet not appending a missing / onto the user-entered web address when required, causing XML sitemap URLs to be incorrectly generated.
- Fixed an issue where the Sitemap pagetype would show hidden pages.
- Fixed up a large number of issues to enable localisation in the next major update.
- Fixed an issue where the Page Inspector -> Styles “Theme” menu wouldn’t update to the current theme.
- Fixed up issues relating to the linking of resources when “Relative to Page” links were used.
- Improved folder export so that users will not be warned about invisible files in the export folder.
- Fixed a couple of typos in alerts.
- Fixed an issue where resources linked to via the %resources()% macro would be duplicated.
- Site Setup sheet Template settings are now correctly applied to new pages.
- Blog Posts without a Category will no-longer include “None” in the browser page title.
- Fixed an issue where the Colour Picker would stay bound to a theme variation after selecting some text and changing its colour too.
- Fixed a crash when changing page settings whilst in Preview mode.
- Fixed a crash caused when Address Book returns invalid information for the pre-fill of the user’s email address.
- Fixed up an issue for the Mac App Store build that caused crashes when testing or using SFTP upload.
RapidWeaver 5.0.2 — 21st December 2010
- Fixed a couple of items relating to the handling out-of-date plugins.
- Fixed an issue with the Site Setup sheet not binding to the correct document.
- Cruftless links are now correctly tidied.
- Added the ability to drag in multiple files to the resources area.
- Fixed an issue with views not updating when removing a resource from the project.
- Re-worked Theme Consolidation to respect the order in which stylesheets appear in a document (respecting the order of variations vs main stylesheet etc).
- Added an Option-Click feature on the ‘Copy Resource URL’ to automatically generate a %resource% macro to the file.
- Fixed an issue that prevented links to Resources, when made via the Add Link sheet, working in RW’s Preview mode.
- Fixed a crash relating to the Help buttons in the Site Setup sheets.
- Fixed consolidation of media-query stylesheets.
- Fixed an issue with the omission of Alt attributes on images.
- Fixed an issue that prevented users inserting custom snippets for inline styling into the Media Inspector.
- Fixed an issue that would cause RapidWeaver to crash after registration on some systems.
- Fixed an issue that would cause a number of error messages to appear with placeholder strings.
- Fixed an issue with relative links not working in plugin subpages (such as Blog archives etc).
- Fixed Theme Consolidation to work in Photo Album subpages (individual album pages).
- Added a 16x16 application icon.
- Fixed a number of Resources issues to prevent the dragging in of bundles (folders with extensions).
- Fixed an issue that prevented the %resource% macro from working in the Page Prefix field.
- Blocked the BBLauncher plugin from being loaded, due to widespread reports of it causing issues with RW5.
- Numerous other small tweaks and enhancements.
RapidWeaver 5.0.1 — 3rd December 2010
- Themes: Fixed an issue that prevented some users installing themes.
- FTP Bookmarks: Improved FTP error messages when testing a connection.
- Resources: Fixed an issue with the resources/ macro to work in multiple instances on the same page.
- Resources: Adding a Resource when a folder is selected adds the resource to said folder.
- Minor tweaks to UI to allow for localisation.
RapidWeaver 5.0 — 1st December 2010
- Site-wide resources (replacing Page Assets).
- New HTML Sitemap Plugin.
- New XML Sitemap generation.
- All-new FTP Bookmarks manager, integrated with the Publishing Sheet.
- New Add-ons area listing themes, plugins and stacks.
- Software updates for third-party plugins via the new Add-ons area.
- Theme Consolidation - pages can now use only one stylesheet per page.
- Theme Compression to reduce size of theme CSS files.
- 6 new themes (Final, Baukraft, Veerle, Japanese Fantasy, Patchy, Avantgarde).
- Built-in Google Analytics and GoSquared LiveStats configuration and viewing.
- Users can now test their FTP settings before trying to publish.
- All-new placeholder when starting a new document to help new users.
- New UI fixes and refinements throughout the application and plugins.
- 08/11/2016 token is now localised for the user’s system date format.
- More robust linking to resources.
- Edit / Preview now controlled (by default) using modal switch beneath the Preview area.
- Removed no-longer-necessary sandwich file caching.
- Other code changes required for App Store approval.
- Easier to use Serial Number system.
- FTP is now only handled by the NcFTP library.
- Fixed up a large number of Keychain-related bugs when saving FTP credentials.
- Updated the Disqus commenting code to use latest Disqus JS.
- Updated to latest iMedia Browser to allow access to more media libraries.
- Implemented Sitemap API to allow third-party developers to access pages and their sub-pages.
- Improved Contact Form processing code for wider compatibility.
- Fixed up a couple of display issues in the iPhone theme.
- Added styles to all stock themes for the built-in Sitemap plugin.
- Numerous other bug fixes and enhancements.
CSS fixes to ensure the correct display of Disqus comments in the following stock themes:
- Alpha
- Aqualicious
- Blog / Blog Pop
- Bravo
- Business
- Cameo
- Delta
- Ideal
- Interslice
- Manitoba
- Magnesium
- Possible
- Seasonal
- Sharp
- Simple
- Tiger / Tiger Pop
RapidWeaver 4.4.1 — June 9th 2010
- Fixed up an issue with Preview causing performance problems
- Fixed an issue with the ability to enter a Disqus short name
- Under the hood tweaks and fixes.
RapidWeaver 4.4 — May 6th 2010
Due to the changes required to implement Disqus commenting, RapidWeaver 4.4 save files are not backwards compatible with previous RapidWeaver 4.x releases.
- New commenting system (Disqus)
- Bug Fixes
- RapidWeaver now includes an optional anonymous System Profile when checking for updates.
- Fixed an issue with the inability to remove the Ignore Formatting option, alongside performance improvements related to the feature.
- Fixed an issue with the Alpha theme to ensure navigation menus work correctly with YourHead Software’s Stacks plugin.
- CSS fixes to the stock themes to allow correct display of Disqus comments.
- Under the hood tweaks and fixes.
RapidWeaver 4.3.1 — November 18th 2009
- Cancel Button is no longer enabled after Image Normalisation
- Re-enable User Defined Blog Categories
- Improvements to Image Normalisation
- Fixed Bug with Blog & Custom Podcast Tags
- Cmd +’ keyboard shortcut no longer conflicts on Blog Page
- Fixed an issue where corrupted site files would cause the Styled Text plugin to not load
- Contact Form is no longer using a deprecated PHP function that will not work on PHP 5.3+
- Improvements to the Photo Album’s XML processing to avoid issues with reading a handful of iPhoto Libraries.
- Further improvements to the Photo Album’s error handling.
- Fixes to spell-checking under Snow Leopard.
- Fixed an issue handling QuickTime audio files on Styled Text pages.
- Improved handling of video in the Photo Album page.
- Under the hood tweaks
RapidWeaver 4.3 — September 10th 2009
- Snow Leopard compatibility
- Added the ability to add and edit links in Styled Text views via the right-click contextual menu
- The right-click contextual menu now exposes the default commands for searching Google & Spotlight, Dictionary lookup, suggested spellings
- RapidWeaver now uploads all the assets relating to a site, and then uploads the pages themselves to ensure that pages display correctly when published
- Google Analytics code is no longer output when previewing within RapidWeaver to prevent pageview number inconsistencies
- When searching blog posts a space is now treated as an AND operation
- Added suffix matching to the blog search function
- Better error reporting when uploading to MobileMe, and some small improvements to MobileMe publishing
- No longer bounces the dock icon when publishing completes
- No longer Growls "success" when publishing fails
- The page list is now update immediately when a page name is changed via the page inspector
- Respects the "original format" setting when exporting images on Intel machines
- Fixed a bug where the document wasn't marked as changed when changing settings in the page inspector
- Fixed a bug where RapidWeaver would fail to launch in some cases (the console was complaining about Garbage Collection being enabled)
- Fixed a bug where some error dialogs were presented twice
- Fix for a bug where a plugin failing to load could leave RW in an unknown state
- Fixed an error when previewing pages with spaces in the filename
- Fixed a bug where new pages didn't have unique page names
- Fix for links that were missing intermediate folders from their paths (particularly assets)
- Fixed a crash when changing a theme with more then 1 document open
- Fixed a crash when deleting or duplicating a theme
- Fixed a bug that caused duplicate menu items to appear in the contextual menu
- The edit link menu item now works when right-clicking images with links
- Fixed an issue preventing the contextual menu from working with some 3rd party plugins
- Custom attributes added via the link panel are no longer encoded automatically
- Link panel now keeps track of it's expanded/collapsed state
- All table views should now remember column order and sort selection
- Shortcut keys added to link panel (command-1/2/3)
- Most table views should now respond to the delete key to remove items and to add items.
- Automatically open the field editor for editing when adding items to most table views.
- Shortcut keys added to site setup sheet (command-1/2/3)
- Fixed a bug where editing the meta tags or page assets in the page inspector didn't mark the page as changed
- Better handling of MobileMe publishing errors
- Styled Text Updates
- Audio-only MOV files now display correctly in Styled Text pages
- Fixed a crash when exporting styled text using the [embed] tag
- Photo Album Updates
- Photo album now handles exporting portrait photos correctly
- Photo album now respects the square thumbnail option when exporting
- Fixed bugs in the Photo Album export that could introduce artifacts into the output images (due to rounding errors)
- Restored the ability to reorder images in a photo album
- Contact Form Updates
- Improved PHP4 support in the Contact Form plugin
- Contact Form's inspector is no longer clipped (visual glitch)
- Blog Updates
- Main posts table now remembers it's column order and sort selection
- RapidWeaver now remembers the state of the editing view (visible or not)
- The add podcast sheet now opens to the correct tab
- Categories are exported alphabetically in the sidebar
- Fixed a crash when searching blog posts
- Fixed a crash when attempting to sort the Page Assets table when it was empty
- Fixed bad podcast URLs in the RSS in page relative mode
- Snippets HUD
- Fixed a drawing glitch that caused a black line to appear in the table
- Window now remembers its position between sessions
- Menu item works whether or not a document is open
- Link Panel
- Now keeps track of its expanded/collapsed state
- Custom attributes added via the link panel are no longer encoded automatically
- Shortcut keys added to link panel (command-1/2/3)
- Table view remembers it's state
RapidWeaver 4.2.3 — May 14th 2009
- Numerous fixes for linking to blog posts and assets
- Fixes for MobileMe publishing
- Reverted the save progress to a standard sheet to improve stability
- Numerous refinements in memory usage
- Fixed an issue with the Aqualicious theme when using fluid sized pages
- Fixed the "* -[NSCFString replaceOccurrencesOfString:withString:options:range:]: nil argument" error
- Fixed smart quotes in Ignore Formatting areas
- Fixed an issue with the display of dates in the Japanese localisation
- Numerous other minor fixes and enhancements
RapidWeaver 4.2.2 — April 2nd 2009
- Totally re-worked contact form PHP output with: multiple attachments, better security, improved support for Windows servers, emails now sent as HTML & plain text from form, better foreign character support, and improved spam protection
- JS-KIT commenting [unless you're an existing Haloscan customer: in which case, it'll work just fine - even after account migration]
- Improved RSS output in the blog plugin [with absolute URLs used to correct issues users were having with iGoogle RSS widgets not forming addresses correctly from our relative paths]
- Fixed an issue with the Media Inspector and image borders not being remembered
- Improvements to the blog plugin to help prevent blog posts being lost
- Relative to DOCROOT / Relative to Website Address paths are now actually implemented when selected
- When duplicating a theme, RapidWeaver now changes the RWThemeShortName in the Plist to match your choice
- Support for https:// URLs in Site Setup Web Address field
- 3.6.x documents now properly retain sidebar content when saved
- Fixes for a number of further 'Relative to Web Address' options
- New and improved crash reporter
- Fixed display issues with JS-KIT commenting
- More fixes for Safari 4 compatibility, including fixes for local previewing
- Fixed Preview in Place for Safari 4
- Numerous theme fixes for JS-KIT commenting
- Commenting URLs in JS-KIT dashboard are now correct
- Numerous improvements with RSS generation and page links
- Duplicating a page in RapidWeaver now uses the original page's extension regardless of the Site-wide setting
- Slashes no-longer appear in contact form radio buttons or popup menus
- Safari 4 display issues resolved
- Fixed issues with Contact Form output when using international characters
- Fixed small typographical errors with the French localisation
- Numerous other fixes and improvements
RapidWeaver 4.2.1 — November 21st 2008
- Fixed an issue with Sparkle updater to ensure RapidWeaver and third-party plugins are able to perform software updates
- Fixed an issue with image renaming in the blog plugin
RapidWeaver 4.2 — November 3rd 2008
- German Localisation added
- French Localisation added
- Italian Localisation added
- Japanese Localisation added
- Webpage source list now remembers the previous width
- Fixed issue with undoing setting and removing links
- Growl no longer displays notifications when RapidWeaver is in the foreground
- Fixed a "System Exception 11" issue when duplicating themes
- Fixed 'viewinitwithFrame' error when exporting or previewing certain blog pages on PowerPC machines
- RapidWeaver no longer hangs on quit
- Holding down the Command key whilst starting RapidWeaver now disables third-party plugins until the application is restarted
- Holding down Command and Option whilst starting RapidWeaver now disables all third-party add-ons [themes, snippets, plugins] until the application is restarted
- Sidebar area can now add and remove links again
- Fixed an issue which prevented 3GP and M4V files being added to Movie Albums
- Images dragged into a styled text view now have Web friendly, unique, filenames
- Fixed an issue with the Blog plugin confusing image file names in Summary and Body fields
- Fixed an issue with the Add Link sheet not showing existing links correctly
- Saving a document that has missing files is now not treated as an error
- Improvements to smart publishing / 'Credit RapidWeaver' metadata handling to reduce future uploads
- Numerous other fixes and enhancements
RapidWeaver 4.1.3 — August 29th 2008
- Fixed an issue with the save sheet not closing.
RapidWeaver 4.1.2 — August 29th 2008
- Improved support and error checking for MobileMe publishing.
- Updated to Sparkle 1.5b5.
- More intelligent management of the temporary cache directory.
- Loading a Sandwich file (rwsw) now automatically archives it.
- Numerous other minor bug fixes.
RapidWeaver 4.1.1 — August 22nd 2008
- Project loading now shows progress bar.
- Better memory usage for exporting large blogs.
- Colour pickers now fully functional in themes with large numbers of variations.
- More reliable NcFTP publishing.
- Theme updates to fix compatibility with YourHead plugins.
RapidWeaver 4.1 — August 21st 2008
- Added Quicklook support.
- Styled text view now supports a pre-defined image drop size.
- Fixed “Uncaught system exception: Signal 11” error while publishing.
- Images pasted into a Styled Text area now retain their preferred (i.e. Finder) filenames.
- Now using Sparkle 1.5b4 for updates.
- Fixed issues with publishing Keychain.
- Snippets window now shows HTML previews in list view.
- iMedia Browser now runs on PowerPC Macs.
- Favicon and Site Logo no longer publish, even though Smart Publishing is on.
- .Mac is now refered to as MobileMe.
- Significantly improved and simplified MobileMe publishing.
- Page inspector is now updated if a page is replaced.
- Added copy/paste support for Blog tags.
- Changing the blog’s category name now marks the page as change.
- FTP path no longer resets it’s self to “/” if it was previously left blank.
- Fill colour in Media Inspector is now optional.
- Google Analytics code is now correctly included on single photo album pages.
- Fixed an issue whereby the last blog entry could not be removed.
- Fixed an issue where formatting a list using inline styles would cause text after an unordered list to be ignored.
- Numerous other bug fixes.
- RSS feed now uses the blog summary not the main entry
- Fixed an issue with the Blog editing behaving sluggishly while editing
- Fixed an issue with the Blog archive missing random posts
- Fixed an issue with the Blog plugin not saving date localisation settings correctly
- Fixed an issue with the Blog plugin not saving preferences correctly
- Blog entries now output all their categories in the RSS feed
- Fixed issue with Contact Form repeating text
- Contact form now formats sent emails correctly (PHP stripslashes function now used)
RapidWeaver 4.0.1 — June 6th 2008
- Snippets window now uses a HUD style window.
- Growl support added.
- Theme drawer now remembers zoom size between launches.
- Export speed slightly improved.
- Email address now displays in the footer even if the footer field is empty.
- Photo Album no longer hangs on export.
- Contact Form now saves and loads the "From Address" option correctly.
- File Sharing page no longer hangs on export when files are dropped in from the Finder.
- Blog now uses a splitter bar in the main area.
- Blog no longer outputs double forward slashes in RSS feeds.
- Blog plugin now generate correct links to subpages when cruftless links is turned on.
- Various other minor fixes.
RapidWeaver 4.0 — May 29th 2008
- Brand New User Interface.
- New open file format (RWSW).
- Pretty URL's (i.e. Cruftless links).
- Easy theme management:
- Folder support.
- New Hi-Resolution Theme Previews.
- Theme Searching.
- WebClip icon support.
- One-click Publishing.
- Google Analytics Support.
- RapidWeaver News Centre.
- Picture Taker Support.
- Styled Text Editing Toolbar.
- 4 Completely new themes.
- Custom Link Attributes in the Add Page Sheet.
- Improved and expanded Plugin Architecture.
- Site logo now has width and height attributes set in the source.
- Publishing can now be cancelled.
- Numerous other fixes and enhancements.
- Fixes an issue with 3.6.6 that rendered Blog Tags unusable on Mac OS X 10.4 (Tiger)
RapidWeaver 3.6.6 - April 1st 2008
- Significantly enhanced export speeds.
- Resolved minor SFTP issues on Intel Macs.
- Site Logo is now correctly referenced when using the 'Relative to Site URL' consolidation settings
- Preliminary Support for the Simplified Chinese localisation.
QuickTime Page Updates*
- Fixed possible crash when using a lot of QuickTime movie pages.
- Fixed issue where certain movies would not display in Preview.
Blog Updates
- Improved Movable Type importing.
RapidWeaver 3.6.5 — November 19th 2007
- Fixed up various issues affecting users on Leopard
RapidWeaver 3.6.4 — October 23rd 2007
RapidWeaver 3.6.3 — September 19th 2007
- Greatly improved memory usage when exporting websites
- Fixed an issue with using the bold and colour attributes on a string
- Fixed some issues with the main view displaying incorrectly
- Various other fixes and enhancements
- Various Theme Fixes
- Photo Album Updates
- Option-Double Clicking on photos now opens the files
RapidWeaver 3.6.3 Public Beta — August 14th 2007
- Added SFTP public key authentication to Publishing window
- "Uses Master Style for Theme" is now supported in the "Apply to All…" pages feature.
- Advanced options tab added in Preferences window
- Image Normalisation option added to help with large sites
- Added an option to allow developers to watch all theme files
- Quicktime movie handling is now much more stable
- Snippets text field is now resizable
- Cancelling an export involving a Blog page now works much faster
- Blog page no longer emit summaries twice for tag, category and date archive pages
- Fixed an error on export that occurs when trying to export links (such as a Podcast) to a Blog page
- Fixed an issue whereby the "Replace Page" feature would simple add a new page
- Fixed an instability during (or after) exporting a Photo Album page
- Fixed a possible crash when creating a new document or opening a document
- Fixed an issue where Aperture support would somtimes crash RapidWeaver
- iFrame page now correctly marks the page as changed if the page's width or height is changed
- Moved "Clear Publishing Cache" option to Site menu
- Various Theme Fixes
RapidWeaver 3.6.2 — August 2nd 2007
- iMedia Browser now supports Aperture
- iPhone theme added
- Preview/Edit mode now animates when switching to code view
- Sidebar now supports add/remove link feature
- Sidebar now supports image manipulation via the Image Inspector
- Master Styles can now be set and managed from the Page Inspector
- Apply to all pages option no longer renames all pages index.html
- Snippets now saved correctly
- The link panel now supports linking to photos in user-created photo albums
- The link panel now supports linking to tags and categories
- Long plugin descriptions now render correctly
- Preference window now uses the unified look
- Scroll arrows now work in the Header/CSS/JavaScript/Prefix tab text fields
- Show/Hide Snippets menu item now sets itself correctly
- Show/Hide iMedia Browser menu item now sets itself correctly
- Get info button now toggles Page Inspector
- Adding/removing Quicktime movies no longer result in a crash
- Theme colour tags no longer cause exceptions when exporting
- Editing of fields in media inspector now marks page as changed
- Fixed up some issues with colour tags not being applied to certain pages
- .Mac publishing now uses Smart Publishing again
- Base URL is now checked for .mac address if publishing via FTP
- Various Theme rendering issues fixed
- Various other fixes and enhancements
Blog Updates
- Users can now specify a custom RSS link for site such as Feedburner
- Now has an option to make the sidebar a php include (Reduces upload time!)
- Users can now customise separator between Comments and Trackbacks
- Now generates the correct file names in the RSS feed
- Theme developers can now style comments and trackback links
- Various other minor fixes
- Contact Form Updates
- Now works correctly when info strings are empty
iFrame Updates
- Now displays the correct page in Preview when the document is first loaded
Movie Album Updates
- Generating thumbnails for movies that have a greater height than width now works properly
Photo Album Updates
- Fixed an issue with the flickr RSS feed support for Flash Slideshows
- Images are now rotated correctly, if they have been edited in Preview.app
- "Select All" and "Select None" buttons now only affect the current selection
- Fixed sizing issue where images were sometimes 1pixel to large
- Now converts unicode characters correctly
RapidWeaver 3.6.1 — June 5th 2007
- Blog tag pages now list out all entries with the same tag
- Fixed up some publishing issues
- Colours styles should now be applied to all pages
- Double-clicking theme styles in finder now installs them correctly
- All themes now support the new user header tag
- Various other minor fixes
RapidWeaver 3.6.0 — May 24th 2007
- Style support added to themes
- Added support for lists
- Snippets feature added
- 6 completely new themes added
- Publishing now shows more detail while uploading
- Pages can now be dragged and dropped between documents
- Added option to protect e-mail address in footer
- Rel tag now supported when adding a link
- Now supports JS page encoding
- Added “Paste and Match Style” to edit menu
- Added "Visit Published Website" menu item
- Added a feature to enable code to be placed in the header
- Custom page extensions, such as “php” are now carried over to sub pages
- Duplicating a page now also duplicates the page’s attributes, including the sidebar
- Missing pages are now displayed with a missing page icon, instead of being removed from the Hierarchy
- Code view now reports PHP syntax errors
- Dock Menu now supports open and new file commands
- Updated preferences window
- Applying shadows and borders to images quality improved
- Images are now much smaller as they no longer have a colour profile embeded
- Non 72dpi images are now scaled correctly
- The site logo is now used only once per site
- Text views with lots of content are now much, much faster
- Publishing and Export no longer use excessive amounts of memory
- Implemented a crash reporter, handy if something bad happens!
- Many, many other minor fixes and enhancements
- Includes localization for the following languages, English, French, German, Japanese
Blog Updates
- Added Tag support for posts
- Archive posts by Year option added
- Support for Multiple categories added
- The title of the post is now linked to it's permalink page
- Added support for inline comments on permalink pages using haloscan
- A title can now be set for categories. e.g. "Filed in:"
- Images added in the sidebar of the blog now display correctly in the archives
- Scrollwheel now works in the Main entry field
- Sidebar arrows now work in the Summary field
- Custom iTunes tag fields no longer remain inactive
- Now uses SEO frendly browser titles on permalink pages
- Moved RSS link to the header so the page should now validate strict, even without using Tidy
- Fixed a bug whereby the blog plugin would sometimes crash RapidWeaver when loading a document
- Archived by date pages now use better file names, e.g mar-01-2007.html
- Fixed issue with non localized versions of RW displaying null as the date
- Many other minor fixes
Contact Form Updates
- Name is now included in the Email header
- Now uses styled text fields for the sent and received messages
- Added a footer text area
- Photo Album Updates
- Now supports EXIF data
- Completely new Flash Slideshow with Audio, Ken Burns Effect and much more
- Added a square thumbnail option for tidier gallery pages
- Images are now much smaller as they no longer have a colour profile embeded
- No longer uses excessive memory
- Fixed a bug whereby white lines were sometimes visible along the top of images
RapidWeaver 3.5.1 - November 24th 2006
- Added "Revert to Saved" menu command
- Added a "Title" field to the link dialog box
- Height and Width fields now work in Media Inspector
- Height and Width attributes are now always added to user imported images
- iMedia Framework now resides in the Frameworks folder, instead of the plugins folder
- Added HTML and Styled sidebar checkboxes for "Apply to All" option
- Aqualicious theme includes new theme variation options
- Alert box OK/Cancel buttons are now localizable
- Duplicating a theme will now display the correct name. (Updates all localized display names)
- Fixed an issue whereby RapidWeaver would crash if the theme inspector was left open when closing a document
- Many other minor fixes
- Includes localization for the following languages, English, French, German, Italian, Japanese
Blog Updates
- Added an option to import all entries from a Movable Type based blog
- Added an option to toggle text to smiley conversion
- Fixed localization issues for the "Archive" option in the Setup sheet
- Adding podcasts to a blog that shares a folder with other pages now generates the correct xml file
- Editing the title of a blog now works in the list view
Contact Form Updates
- Attachments now appear correctly in online services such as GMail
- Sessions are now declared correctly, users should no longer see the "Undefined Index" warning
- New form elements now appear localized instead of displaying as "Untitled x"
Photo Album Updates
- Localization should no longer break old save files
RapidWeaver 3.5 — September 7th 2006
- Flipping and adding a drop shadow to an image no longer adds a black line to one side of the image
- Setting all folder names to "/" no longer causes 3rd level and deeper nested menus to not appear
- No longer removes doc-type for transitional pages
- Output options in Site Setup is now localizable
- No longer removes doc-type for transitional pages
- Page encoding is now localizable
- utf-8 is now the default page encoding
- The quick-start guide is now visible on case-sensitve systems
- Many other minor issues fixed
- Includes localization for the following languages, English, French, Japanese
Blog Updates
- Fixed an issue with %20 being displayed in the creator tag of rss feeds
- Deleting a blog category no longer shifts the position of the current categories
- Added dotmac.info to the default list of ping sites
- Added pingomatic.com to the default list of ping sites
- Body tag is is no longer declared twice for archive, category and perm-link pages
Contact Form Updates
- Check Box and Attachment form elements are now closed correctly
- Adding quote marks to form sub options no longer breaks the form
- Now works under Mac OS X 10.3.9
Photo Album Updates
- Photo Album is now localizable
- Individual photo pages now inherit the correct encoding
RapidWeaver 3.5 Public Beta 3 — August 2nd 2006
- Added "Show Theme Inspector" to theme area contextual menu
- Code view now wraps code, and no longer cuts off the last few characters
- Code view now shows errors and warnings
- Fill background colour now works in Media Inspector
- Image size and dpi are now handled correctly
- Now prompts to save changes when using "Publish Site…" from the File menu
- Javascript code entered into the Page inspector is no longer commented out
- Now uses "command +" to make fonts bigger (i.e. no need to hold down the shift key)
- Media Inspector now handles pdf's correctly, i.e. As links, not images
- Removing a Quicktime movie from a styled text page no longer crashes RapidWeaver
- Now applies correct encoding to pages, UTF-8, ISO Latin, etc…
- Fixed some issues whereby RapidWeaver would crash when loading a saved document
- Command-4 now opens and closes the iMedia Browser
- Will now correctly prompt user to save old rwp files into new rw3 format
Blog Updates
- Fixed localization bug whereby dates would appear as null/null/null
- Now emits closing div tag for the blog-rss-feeds class even if the RSS Link Name is empty
- Added m4b and ogg as valid podcast types
- iTunes custom tags field is now enabled
- Simleys can now be styled independently using the style ".blog-image-smiley"
- Category heading links now appear on permalink and archive pages
Contact Form Updates
- Sub options can now be reordered via drag and drop
- Now publishes extra files to the correct location when using custom folder names
- If one of the form elements was not set to "required" users would be re-directed to a blank page
- Unicode characters no longer break the contact form
- No longer sends e-mails as attachments
- Now escape double-quotes ("), single-quotes (') and backslashes () to prevent these characters from breaking the php script
Photo Album Updates
- Image size and dpi are now handled correctly
- Custom javascript and css code now has the relevant tags around it on single photo pages
RapidWeaver 3.5 Public Beta 2 — July 5th 2006
- Added iMedia Browser.
- Added public key authentication for SFTP
- Linking to a blog post using the link panel now results in a correct link
- Text undo is no longer global
- Slogan and copyright fields now get substituted correctly
- SFTP now works on Intel based Macs
- Improved error handling when publishing
- 10.3 allows you to save a file with a .rwp file extension
- Switching between pages in code view now works correctly
- Image compression settings are no longer ignored
- Updating sites via SFTP now works correctly
- Fixed crash on save issue
- Image compression settings are no longer ignored
- Many other minor issues fixed
Theme Updates
- Many compatibility fixes and improvements
- Added support for new blog CSS styles
- Blog Updates:
- Fixed error whereby the users would sometimes get an error when editing old blog posts
- Ping should now function correctly
- Permalinks in archive and category pages now appear
- Additional CSS styes added to help with styling
Photo Album Updates
- Image compression settings are no longer ignored
Contact Form Updates
- User-email address should now display correctly in received e-mails
RapidWeaver 3.5 Public Beta 1 — June 2nd 2006
- Universal Binary. (Will now run natively under Mac's with Intel processors)
- Improved interface
- Updated Theme viewer
- SFTP support added
- Image Inspector can now added drop shadows and borders to images
- Link panel can now link directly to photos (from albums), blog entries and podcasts
- Added "Open Last Document" option to Preferences
- Copy+Paste, Drag+Drop and Undo with attributed strings now work
- Typing in sidebar updates more intelligently. (waits for gap in typing)
- Added a field for placing code at the very top of the document. (i.e. php sessions)
- Image tags now have width and height attributes
- Installing plugins now works more intelligently
- When deleting existing site in .Mac publishing, all pages are now marked as changed so they all get re-published
- Added check box to toggle between original code and tidied code
- Save files are now much smaller. (Can be up to 70%)
- Option to disable update checking in Preferences
- Many other bug fixes and improvements
- Includes localization for the following languages, English, French (Partial), German (Partial)
Theme Updates
- 7 New Professionally Designed Themes added
- Added support for Unordered lists (ul, li, etc…)
- Theme support for mobile phones added
- Improved print style sheets
- Various browser compatibility issues fixed
Blog Updates
- Archive and Category pages now use main site theme
- Added support for perma links
- Added support for Read More link
- Issues fixed involving draft posts
- Added Blog option to only create rss entries for posts on the front page
- Added iTunes custom fields checkbox to the Blog Podcast sheet (was only on the main Setup sheet)
- iTunes keywords can now contain commas e.g. 1,2,3 (previously whinged about international characters)
- Ping support added
- Category links in the sidebar now show number of posts. (Optional)
- Changed main Setup sheet button from save to OK for consistency
- Cleaned up bugs with the advanced podcast settings not being displayed properly/crashing in Blog
- Save as draft bug fixed
- Many other minor fixes and improvements
Contact Form Updates
- Re-written to stop spammers taking advantage of php mail security issue
- iFrame Updates:
- iFrame width can now be set to less than 100%
HTML Updates
- Added option for HTML plugin to emit only raw HTML
Movie Album Updates
- Fixed quicktime issues regarding the latest version of PC IE 6
- Users will no longer hear a short sound clip when adding movies
Photo Album Updates
- Added collapsible large thumbnail view in edit mode
- Improved memory and speed issues
- Flash slideshow now shows number of images in control area
- Now gets photo and album comments directly from iPhoto 5 or greater
- Fixed a bug, whereby an album with a movie in it would cause an exception
- Fixed quicktime issues regarding the latest version of PC IE 6
- Fixed flash slideshow issues regarding the latest version of PC IE 6
Quicktime Updates
- Save movie for Fast Start
- Fast start caching option added
- Auto option added
- Loop option added
RapidWeaver 3.2.1 — December 6th 2005
RapidWeaver 3.2 — November 17th 2005
- New Application Icon and Slimmer Interface
- New Document, Plugin and Theme Icons
- Implemented new FTP framework
- Site file consolidation added
- Support for multiple themes per site added
- Theme variation support added
- Live rendering of PHP code
- Flat file structure support options added
- Image Inspector added, with re-size, rotate and flip controls
- Image file name and Alt tags can now be customized
- Support for unique Site Title, Slogan and Copyright per page
- Browser title can now be set independently
- Site navigation now highlights ancestors
- Custom CSS support added
- Custom Javascript support added
- Sidebar now supports styled text
- Sidebar title support added
- Page encoding options added
- HTML Error checking window added
- Automatic refresh, when themes are edited (and saved) externally
- Update all existing themes, and added several new themes
- Many more bugs fixes and improvements
Blog Updates
- Category support for Blog entries added
- Added support for iTunes specific Podcasting tags
- Option to limit the number of posts in the RSS feed
- RSS file name is now customisable
- Date editing controls added
- Inline editing added
- Now supports Quicktime Movies in entries
- Now supports Localisation
Contact Form Updates
- File attachment support added
- Message field's now support single quotes
- Formatting of mail improved
- Added e-mail error checking to stop e-mail spamming
- Now supports Localisation
File Sharing Updates
- Added support for URL's
- Added support for dragging and dropping .webloc files
- Inline editing support added
- Now supports Localisation
HTML Updates
- Line numbering added
- Now supports Localisation
Movie Album Updates
- Can now add .3gp movies to albums
- Now supports Localisation
Photo Album Updates
- Export images as an interactive Flash slideshow
- Better handling and linking of user images
- Now supports Localisation
Styled Page Updates
- Now supports Quicktime Movies
- Now supports Localisation
iFrame Updates
- Syntax bug fixed when setting width as percent
- Now supports Localisation
RapidWeaver 3.1.2 — July 7th 2005
RapidWeaver 3.1.1 — May 5th 2005
RapidWeaver 3.1 — March 29th 2005
- Unlimited sub menu support
- FTP publishing
- Preview site in Browser
- Sidebar support
- Bread-crumb navigation
- Publish selected page option
- Custom page file name support
- Added Meta tag editor
- Optimized and Tidied output options
- Added Contact Form Page Style (requires PHP)
- Added Movie Album Page Stye
- Image quality export options
- Duplicate page option
- Make any page the Home page
- Site menu now highlights currently selected page
- All themes are now created using XHTML and CSS.
- All page styles now create XHTML valid code
- Text to HTML conversion re-written. (Now XHTML)
- All existing themes updated and improved to support new features
- Print style sheet added to all themes
- Problem with having multiple documents open fixed
- Updated to .Mac Framework 1.1.0
- Theme drawer now displays theme names
- Page style version number can now be seen in list
- Keyboard shortcuts added for common tasks
- Re-worked and improved interface
- Greatly improved and expanded manual
- Updated icons and interface on all page styles
- And much, much more
Photo Album Updates
- Customisable Home, Next and Previous link text
- Export and preview now uses multiple processors if available
- Comment display option added
- Image export quality settings added
- Improved gallery layout
Styled Page Updates
- File download support. (drag and drop files to content area)
- Easy link insertion now works on images also
- Users can now choose targets for links
- Fixed alignment bug
Blog Updates
- Comment and trackback system added. (Uses HaloScan)
- Weekly/Monthly Archive feature added
- Save as Draft feature added
- Enabled/Disable RSS Feed
- File download support. (drag and drop files to content area)
- Easy link and URL insertion feature added. (also works on images)
- Users can now choose targets for links
- Insert "iTunes Track" feature added
- Insert "Today in History" feature added
- Insert "Stock Quote" feature added
- Insert "Safari URL" feature added
- Images in RSS feed now use correct URL
HTML Updates
- 5 new quick insert items added
iFrame Updates
Offsite Updates
Quicktime Updates
- QT plugin will now correct incompatible file names and incorrect urls
File Sharing Updates
- Fixed file adding bug
- Contact Form added
- Movie Album added
RapidWeaver 3.0.3 — January 1st 2005
File Sharing Page
- Incorrect exporting of files bug fixed.
- Fixed a bug whereby the images would sometime appear in the wrong order.
Quicktime Page
- Compatibility issues with Windows IE fixed.
Styled Page
- Fixed a bug whereby RapidWeaver would not render large amounts of un-styled text.
RapidWeaver 3.0.2 — December 22nd 2004
Application Updates
- Changing theme now marks document as changed.
- Adding or removing pages now marks document as changed.
- Better error handling added to file loading and site export.
- RW will warn you if incompatible file names used.
- Version strings now visible in finder.
- .Mac export improved.
- Site logo now saved in .rwp save file.
- Foreign characters now display correctly in button preview.
- Find panel now works.
- Newly designed manual (built using RapidWeaver).
- Added links to the 4 most popular theme sites in the help menu.
- Many other under-the-hood enhancements and fixes.
Photo Plugin Updates
- Better memory management when exporting photos.
- Incompatible file names are now converted correctly.
- Home link now goes back to photo index page.
- Image boarder no longer appears round thumbnails.
- Captions are now always centered.
- Editing description now marks document as changed.
- Changing album selection now marks document as changed.
- Added support for iPhoto 2 (iPhoto 4 is recommended).
Styled Page Updates
- Easy URL & Email link insertion added.
- Image placement is now more accurate.
Blog Page Updates
- Date is now customizable.
- Localization option added.
- Image placement is now more accurate.
- Safari (in Tiger) and Firefox now auto detect RSS feed.
- Link to html in RSS now correct for non-index pages.
- Title field now gets focus upon adding a new entry.
HTML Page Updates
- Line Break code insertion bug fixed.
Quicktime Page Updates
RapidWeaver 3.0.1 — November 25th 2004
- Foreign characters now show correctly in the footer area
- Check for update menu item added
- Graphical toolbars now scale properly
- Fixed a rare update bug, whereby RW would crash at startup
- Fixed Export bug, whereby RW would publish all open documents
- Resolved console message about SeparatedTableView
Blog Updates
- Blog titles now support foreign characters
- Non english systems can now add blog entries
- Date is now localised
- Update RSS feed to 2.0
- Changed RSS feed file extension to '.xml'
- RSS output code improved, now "Valid RSS"
File Sharing Updates
- Updated html layout of file list
PhotoAlbum Updates
- Better image caching to speed up export
- Deselect/select all button added
- Show/hide captions button added
- Plugin now uses "iPhoto.plist" to locate iPhoto library
- Link separator "|" is now dynamically added/removed when needed
- Large photo pages are now 100% valid XHTML
Quicktime Updates
- Users can now add captions to QT movie pages
RapidWeaver 3.0 — November 16th 2004
RapidWeaver Lite and RapidWeaver Plus have been combined into one application. RapidWeaver 3.0 is a FREE update for all users.
- .Mac publishing added
- All new Photo Album Plug-in added with iPhoto integration
- File Sharing Page Style added
- iFrame Page Style added
- Over 10 new Themes
- Custom logo support
- Site sub title (slogan) support
- Site title support
- Email address support
- Users can now re-arrange pages.(Drag and drop supported)
- Startup time dramatically improved (up to 500%)
- Export and Preview of web site speed improved by over 200%
- Page title and copyright now support foreign characters
- Images placed in page are now saved and exported correctly
- Text attributes are now saved
- New document preference
- Button attributes are now saved
- RWTextX attribute is now recognized
- Button font and colour change bug fixed
- All themes tested with Safari, Mac IE, Firefox and Windows IE 6
- RapidWeaver software update bug fixed
- Preview now updates when changing button and title
- Always goes to edit mode now when adding a new page
- Theme and plugin version checking
- Greatly Re-worked and improved interface
- HTML Help added
- Improved Documentation
- Over 20 other minor improvements and bug fixes
Styled Updates
- Font button added
- Colour button Added
Blog Updates
- Date and Time now editable
- Date format changed to "Monday, 1 January 2004, 12:00am"
- Image support added
- Languages drop down menu bug fixed
Offsite Updates
- Offsite page now shows live preview
Quicktime Updates
- Save bug fixed
- Improved Interface
RapidWeaver 1.0 Public Beta 1 — July 24th 2004
RapidWeaver 1.0b2.5 — July 04, 2004
- Fixed bug where theme was not saved.
- Fixed bug where page text was white when editing.
- Button text now defaults to page title.
- Large theme preview added.
RapidWeaver 1.0b2 — July 04, 2004
Application Updates
- Major enhancements to all page Styles (see below)
- Live preview added.
- Quicktime Plugin added.
- Double click to install themes.
- Double click to install plugins.
- Export added to Menu.
- Copyright is now saved.
- Software Update Now checks for updates.
- CSS preview now works.
- Copyright now displays.
Blog Plugin Updates
- Fixed bug where all entries would change.
- Now allows multiple selection.
- Now warns before removing entries.
- Now dirties document when saving and removing entries.
- Now shows newest entries at the top.
- Now uses styled text complete with graphics for blog entries, breaking saved blogs from beta 1.
- Now supports foreign characters in entries.
- Modified HTML output slightly to conform to XHTML standards.
- Now uses user's system date format in output.
- Add/edit entry sheet is now resizable.
- Now has RSS feed output support for blog syndication.
HTML Plugin Updates
- Renamed to "HTML Code"
- Added title to view for easier differentiation.
- Modified colors used in syntax coloring.
- Now uses correct source code font.
- Now colors comments.
- Now colors tag options and their values (i.e. size="12").
- Now has undo support.
- Added quick insert feature for adding commonly-used HTML code.
Offsite Page Plugin
- Added option to open in new window or tab.
- Removed web preview due to it now being built into RapidWeaver.
Photo Album
- Now saves full-size images as JPG images; as a result, exporting is quicker and file sizes are smaller.
- Now retrieves image sizes more efficiently.
Styled Plugin
- Renamed to "Styled Text".
- Modified plugin description.
- Modified HTML output to submit better HTML.
- Now has undo support.
- Now has shortcut buttons for showing font and color panels.
RapidWeaver 1.0b1 — June 04, 2004
RidWeaver was previously known as NavBar Builder and Navigation Builder.
Plugins Available
- Styled.
- PhotoAlbum.
- Blog.
- Offsite Page.